Air flights
Here is a rough-outline of flight prices for informational purposes only--they are most likely no longer accurate!
Distances to keep in mind:
- Cairo:
- Cairo International Airport (website)
Duration to BA: 4hrs.
- Cairo International Airport (website)
- Alexandria:
- Alexandria International Airport
Duration to BA: 25 min. - Borg el Arab Airport (mostly recommended)
Duration to BA: 1hr.
- Alexandria International Airport
Please note it may be A LOT cheaper to fly to Cairo airport then use the complementary coach transfer to the conference than to fly direct to Alexandria.
Flight costs listed are to Cairo International Airport
All flight costs are from for August 2008
For Egypt Air flights, check
- Note 1:A connecting flight (Cairo-Alexandria-Cairo) costs $44/person.
- Note 2:According to, "a 1st class one-way ticket for an air-conditioned express [train] from Cairo to Alexandria costs about LE 25, less than £3 or $5..!"