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Lightning talks

Wikimania 2008 Alexandria :: Change the shape of wisdom

A lightning talk is a very short presentation of 5 minutes. At Wikimania 2008 there will be three sessions in the schedule, each with around 5-10 lightning talks, depending on interest. Please be bold and add yourself and your topic at this page so we can arrange it!


First of all, create an account on this wiki. Please do so through the button on the upper right corner.

Please copy the following template and paste it before the last line (|}) at a table of a day of your choice. Then replace the fields "topic", "description", "submittor", "attending". You can also include links!

|topic=What's it about? (non-specific)
|description=Description of what your topic is (some detail)
|submitter=Who are you? (links to other pages are helpful here)
|attending=either "definitely", "probably", "probably not", or "no"
Topic Description Submitter Attending?
What's it about? (non-specific) Description of what your topic is (some detail) Who are you? (links to other pages are helpful here) Are you attending? (either "definitely" (100%), "probably" (50%), "probably not" (25%), or "no" (0%, if you've had to cancel)
Example I will explain what it means to examplify a topic John Random, an expert on example topics due to his university studies of the "history of examplism" definitely (100%)

If you are unable to work this out, please just add your topic at the list below, but *make sure all info is included!* (Preferred day, topic, description, submitter, whether you are attending (%))

Otherwise it might not be possible to plan your lightning talk accordingly.

No preferenced day

You will most likely be scheduled shortly before the conference.

Topic Description Submitter Attending?
Myth returns in Quantum Mechanics The industrial revolution and rise of the science/technology paradigm caused the old myths to fade, ironic that within the heart of science is a modern bridge to the mythical world Cawidgetwerx probably (50%)

Day 1

As defined in the schedule, lightning talks at Day 1 (2008-07-17) will be at 11:30-12:15 in Room A

Topic Description Submitter Attending?

Wikiprep MediaWiki dump preprocessor and information extractor. Tomaž Šolc, Research & Development at Zemanta ltd. definitely (100%)

Write the final chapter for Wikipedia Writing the last chapter of the book "The Wikipedia Revolution" by Andrew Lih, Hyperion 2009 Andrew Lih (author, Wikipedian) from USA, via Beijing, China definitely (100%)

Wikipedia-„Stammtisch“ – a design pattern catalogue Some approaches how and why to organize local/regional meetups of Wikipedians, with examples from Germany. Elya from Cologne is one of the first regulars at the monthly Cologne meetup and co-organisator of two community workshops. definitely (100%)

Appropedia's Public Domain Search Engine A unique (as far as I know) effort to index public domain websites, and clarify the public domain status of certain US federal government sites. Chris Watkins, a.k.a. Chriswaterguy (co-founder, Appropedia) definitely (100%)

Islam and open knowledge Some clarification of the relationship between islam -as a religion- and knowlege, how islam encourages knowledge. Ehab Mosilhy (A programmer and computer engineering student) from Egypt definitely (100%)

Day 2

As defined in the schedule, lightning talks at Day 2 (2008-07-18) will be at 11:45-12:30 in Room A.

Topic Description Submitter Attending?

What's it about? (non-specific) Description of what your topic is (some detail) Who are you? (links to other pages are helpful here) Are you attending? (either "definitely" (100%), "probably" (50%), "probably not" (25%), or "no" (0%, if you've had to cancel)

The relationship between freedom and development A light on how freedom affects development of countries. Ehab Mosilhy (A programmer and computer engineering student) from Egypt definitely (100%)

Zemanta blogging add-on. How to easily link to Wikipedia from your blog, a free tool that is built on top of Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons projects. Jure Cuhalev - blogger and community guy at Zemanta definitely (100%)

Day 3

As defined in the schedule, lightning talks at Day 3 (2008-07-19) will be at 11:45-12:30 in Room A.

Topic Description Submitter Attending?
What's it about? (non-specific) Description of what your topic is (some detail) Who are you? (links to other pages are helpful here) Are you attending? (either "definitely" (100%), "probably" (50%), "probably not" (25%), or "no" (0%, if you've had to cancel)
Wikis Go Printable Update on last year's WMF announcement regarding wiki-to-print technology: current status and demo of the PediaPress project (PediaPress allows users to create customized books from MediaWikis). Heiko Hees is one of the founders of PediaPress and develops OpenSource software that supports the reuse of MediaWiki content. definitely (100%)
Beyond Wiki – Transforming MediaWiki content for other applications with mwlib mwlib is the foundation for various wiki-to-print / XML / DocBook / PDF / ODF) conversion projects. It provides the tools to convert MediaWiki content into widespread formats such as XML, DocBook, PDF, and ODF. mwlib is OpenSource and written in Python. Johannes Beigel is lead developer at PediaPress - and developed the Collection-Extension and other OpenSource components for MediaWiki. definitely (100%)

A Wiki Structure Navigator We will demonstrate a fruit of our experiments with visualizing and navigating the structure of a Mediawiki-driven wiki Petr Andreev, PhD (Moscow, Russia) definitely (100%)
A Glass Bead Game Towards adequate description of arts - Representing imagery of a movie within Wikipedia Tatiana Simonenkova, film-maker (Moscow, Russia) definitely (100%)

WikiType WikiType tool presentation, architecture, etc. Vasiliy Fedorov, developer (Moscow, Russia) probably (50%)
Creating SVGs with a text editor A presentation of experience sharing. With explanation of selected logos of cities in Hong Kong and Japan which were drawn by me. Terence Yuen from Hong Kong definitely (100%)
Tutorial on how to use Tiddlywiki, a simple to use offline and online wiki with portability Tiddlywiki is a special wiki that can be used for your journal or as a personal blogging tool. Newsmaster is an entrepreneur with technical background in ICT. He has used tiddlywiki for more than a year and enjoy its portability. probably (50%)

Sockpuppets A preview of the sockpuppet workshop. Build a sockpuppet in five minutes! user:phoebe definitely (100%)

Universal Edit Button Quick introduction to this new initiative MarkDilley http://UniversalEditButton.org definitely (100%)

Celebrities project Wikimedia CH tried to get publicity by involving famous people to contribute Patrick Kenel definitely (100%)
Wikipedia stats who uses Wikipedia Stu West definitely (100%)
A short musical number "We Will Revise" by Mako and the Difftones Who are you? (links to other pages are helpful here) definitely (100%)

Having problems with the syntax

Please include:

  • Preferred day
  • Topic
  • Description
  • Submitter
  • Chance of attendence
  • ...