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About Alexandria/Museums

Wikimania 2008 Alexandria :: Change the shape of wisdom

Wikitravel Press has created the official Wikimania 2008 travel guide to Cairo and Alexandria. The guide is licensed under Creative Commons by-sa 1.0, and it's available for your reading and editing pleasure at the Wikitravel website:

Alexandria - Cairo (including the Pyramids) - Egypt reference - Egyptian Arabic phrasebook

Printed copies of the June guidebook will be distributed on site (while supplies last), but those wanting to grab a copy before the conference can buy it online (US$11.99) — new July version now available. Take a look at the Alexandria sample chapter (PDF, 6.3 MB) to see what it looks like!

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Alexandria National Museum (ANM)


The ANM is the latest museum to join the many others present in this coastal city. It is housed in a beautiful 3-storey Italian-style building. Most of its exhibits come from other museums in Egypt. The museum consists of 3 levels - the basement housing the Pharaonic artefacts, the ground level displaying the Graeco-Roman treasures, and the 1st floor - containing relics from Egypt’s Coptic Christian and Islamic heritage, as well as some insight into the valuables left behind by King Farouk’s family before the 1952 revolution. Making our visit to the museum akin to a trek through time, we began with a descend into the basement to view the Pharaonic artefacts. Set out below are some of the pictures taken from this level of the museum.


The Graeco-Roman Museum


Founded in 1892, the graeco—Roman Museum of Alexandria has already cele¬brated its centenary. Its vast collection, gathered together over these hundred years, is the product of donations from wealthy Alexandrians as well as of excavations led by successive directors of the institution, both within the town and in its environs. Cer¬tain other objects have come from the Organization of Antiquities at Cairo (particularly those of the Pharaonic period) and from various digs undertaken at the be¬ginning of the century in The Fayoum and at Benhasa (Middle Egypt). Housed within an historic building (back cover) whose beautiful neo-classical facade of six col¬umns and pediment bears the large Greek inscription, ‘MOYXEION’, the Museum consists of 27 halls and an attractive garden, which offer an excellent introduction to the Greek and Roman art of Egypt


The Royal Jewelry Museum|The Royal Jewelry Museum


The museum is located in the Zizinia neighborhood. It was once the palace of Fatma el-Zahara and is an architectural masterpiece. The museum is in a former royal palace. It displays jewelries that belong to the last royal family of Egypt from Mohamed Ali to King Farouk (1805-1952).

The museum has a fine collection of miniature portraits for the royal members of the family and some of their belongings like gifts.

Aside from the exhibition, the palace itself is splendid and deserves a visit. The museum is currently under restoration and inadmissible.

Library of Alexandra Museum|Library of Alexandra Museum


As part of the library, a new and very important antiquities museum has been created in order to highlight the history of Alexandria across the ages. It specifically highlights the cultural era of the Hellenistic world, providing exhibits related to knowledge and the arts. The museum was ceremonially opened in January 2003. It now contains rare artifacts from the Pharaonic, Greek, Roman, Coptic and Islamic eras. These artifacts are displayed in chronological order, representing the evolution of writing, the birth of scholarship and librarianship, and the ancient arts with informative displays presenting mosaic, portraits, glassware, pottery, coins, textile and much more.


The Museum of Fine Arts

The museum houses a spectacular collection of sculptures, paintings and architectural works. Exhibitions by contemporary artists, both Egyptian and non-Egyptian are often held there. Furthermore, the museum organizes the Alexandria Biennially, every two years, to display the art of the Mediterranean countries.

The Cavafy museum

The Cavafy Museum contains Cavafy's poetrys and bibliographical material. for more information visit http://www.greece.org/alexandria/cavafy/cavafy2.htm

Mahmoud said museum

it cantains Acquisitions of Mahmoud Said address:6 mahmoud said street ganakles

Albrdiat museums

It Includes models of many Pharaonic brdiat address: 40 abd el kader street roshdy work time : 9:00am to 7:00 pm