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Wikimania 2008 Alexandria :: Change the shape of wisdom

Meetings will be held in the future to help plan for the Wikimania conference. These are likely to take place on IRC (details here), mailing lists (here) and in person between the local team. Further details such as meeting times will be announced here.

The current time can be seen on this page.

March 29 2008

The 7th public meeting online in the Wikimania 2008 IRC channel at Sat, Mar 29, 15.00 UTC (UTC).


Please add your points for the agenda here

  1. Website organization
  2. Presenting the Project Status to the New volunteers (What has been done till the moment)
  3. The overall needed work and tasks till the event.
  4. What exactly the new volunteers can help with.
  5. Open discussion, and next meeting time and date (rotation will be preferred)


Log of March 29 meeting

March 15 2008

The 6th public meeting online in the Wikimania 2008 IRC channel at 21:00, Saturday, 15 March 2008 (UTC).


Please add your points for the agenda here

  • Website organization
  • Website hosting
  • Scholarships Committee progress
  • Scholarships and Registration spreading
  • Open discussion, and next meeting time and date (rotation will be preferred)


Log of March 15 meeting

March 4 2008

(Re arranged from March 1) The 5th public meeting online in the Wikimania 2008 IRC channel at 21:00, Tuesday, 4 March 2008 (UTC).


There was no public pre meeting agenda.


Log of March 4 meeting

February 24 2008

The 4th public meeting online in the Wikimania 2008 IRC channel at 20:00, Sunday, 24 February 2008 (UTC).


Please add your points for the agenda here

  • International sponsorship
  • Scholarships
  • Advertising for the conference, the image, messaging and site notices.
  • Website pages
  • Wikipedia's pictures of the prophet Muhammad, are there going to be any problems with this? do we need extra security for attendees? (revisiting concerns from the mailing list per demand)
  • Open discussion, and next meeting time and date (rotation will be preferred)


Log of Feb 24 meeting

February 10 2008

The 3rd public meeting online in the Wikimania 2008 IRC channel at 20:00, Sunday, 10 February 2008 (UTC).


  • graphics: who will be working with the guys here?
  • website content
  • Sponsorship: how are we doing with international sponsors?
  • Registration form
  • Tracks: the technical track and scientefic track, would you kindly make it a bit clearer to me how different they are from each other?
  • Speakers
    • schedule draft
    • budget for invited speakers
    • Short-list ones on the wiki
    • Who can approach Whom
  • Scholarships committee
  • Conference on-site materials
  • Parties

Log / summary

Log of Feb 10 meeting

December 22 2007

The 2nd public meeting online in the Wikimania 2008 IRC channel at 15:00, 22 December 2007 (UTC).


There was no pre-meeting agenda posted.

Log / summary

Log of 22 Dec meeting

There was no log or summary as the meeting was cancelled due to the lack of local team volunteers.

December 13 2007

The 1st public meeting online in the Wikimania 2008 IRC channel at 18:00, Thursday, 13 December 2007 (UTC).


The agenda included

  • Messaging and slogans for the conference
    we didn't yet decide the main theme of the conference and how it will be presented in Egypt or worldwide, your input will be greatly appreciated.
    • Target groups the message must go to: sponsors, press, speakers, attendees
  • Related to messaging: overall communications: what channels should we use, how, when etc.
  • Speakers and programming: who wants to join the team, what do they want to do, what is their rough schedule?
  • Sponsor ideas: any contacts you want to share ? how can you help
  • Language support: rough organisation of what is needed.
  • Other help / teams needed?
  • Schedules for future meetings

Log / summary

Log of 13 Dec meeting